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04-05-2009, 09:04 PM
Here is a Stochastics chart of the S&P 500 with the number of its stocks moving above the 50, 150, & 200 day simple moving average.


Here is another Stochastics view of the S&P 500 with the Financial, Technology, and Energy Sectors. I'm impressed with Technology :)


Some side-notes: During the last 9 March climb, Energy crossed above 20 first but 80 last. Technology crossed above 20 last (same time as $SPX) but crossed above 80 first. This may mean there might be some sort of Lag time that can be capitalized on? I don't have software to backtest this sort of thing, if anyone does then feel free to let us know if you find anything.

04-10-2009, 03:07 PM
Copper is king of the mountain. Gold & Silver are oversold and may get embedded soon. Who knows, these two may break to the upside when this market drops. I want to be a buyer if the price and opportunity are right.


04-10-2009, 03:33 PM
Yeah, my platinum is doing well as is my DBB because of it's copper holdings, but my SLV and GDX are dragging my whole account down. I don't know how much more patience I can muster waiting for the upturn.
