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View Full Version : Can India be the Asian country of the future?

06-24-2011, 03:12 PM
Some consider India to be the Asian country of the future. India has strong potential for future growth and would be a great place to invest for the long term. Spear has recommended ETF's like EPI which have great potential from the future.Here is what Spear's ETF Analyst had to say about India:

"Despite the negatives, one could argue that India is the Asian country of the future. The country has a relatively young population, which is likely to exceed China’s by 2030, making it the most populous country in the world. Projections suggest that over this period the country’s labor force growth rate will increase faster than the overall population (a good thing, if there are jobs) and the middle class will swell to triple its current size, at which point it will be twice as large as the entire U.S. population. Moreover, in the last few years, the country’s savings and investment rates have improved considerably. This has enabled the Indian Rupee to appreciate more than 20% against the U.S. dollar since its low in 2009..."

Visit http://www.spearsetfanalyst.com/ to read the entire article

What are the thoughts of the community, can India surpass China?

06-29-2011, 01:28 AM
Welcome SFINtern. Sorry that I didn't see you come in.

As far as India goes, I'm almost 100% driven by charts and indicators and I haven't looked at their charts. I have no idea what is going on there economically.

Thanks for joining us. Sorry again about the late welcome.

06-29-2011, 02:10 PM
Hey Tom

Thanks for the invite. Don't worry about the late welcome. I'm not one to take offense to those kind of things. The reason why I bring up India is for the reason that I am currently interning for a Financial Analyst with Spear Publications. The analyst has his own ETF publication and last weeks edition profiled India. I've read the article and have began tracking the performance of the Indian ETF's he recommended. They have been doing extremely well so I figured I'd share my findings with the community here at ETF Talk and see if there were any other thoughts on India.
